Saturday, August 25, 2012


Hey guys,

You know I've moved to another blog site....well, I've made it even more official. 

Follow me at

Thanks a bunch!


Thursday, February 9, 2012


I've decided to change it up.  I need a blog site that I can edit and customize to my liking.  Blogger is simple, easy to use, but not as customizable as I want.

I've moved locations -

Mahatma Gandhi once said...

"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes."  I've always loved this quote.  Something about it has always rung true.  I don't know why, maybe because it is.  

Now, more than ever, I realize that tiny little word - mistake.  What exactly is a mistake? defines it simply:

  [mi-steyk]  noun, verb, -took, -tak·en, -tak·ing.
An error in action, calculation, opinion, or judgment caused by poor reasoning, carelessness, insufficient knowledge, etc.
A misunderstanding or misconception.

As humans, we make mistakes.  We make mistakes daily.  Sometimes we are forgiven and others we are not.  However, in the society that we live in, it is entirely our prerogative to make these mistakes. 

Some mistakes are shackled to us like the shackles on an inmate, there is no getting rid of what has been done or said.  But is that not harsh?  Unjust?  I suppose it truly depends on the situation.

I’m a young adult; I’ve made mistakes and only imagine that I will make more.  I suppose you’re wondering what the heck I’m talking about.

Let’s just say …I made a mistake and I could not agree with Gandhi more as I do now.  Freedom has been questioned, entirely.  Freedom not in the sense of prisoners in shackles: but freedom in the sense of opinions, judgments and even sympathies. 

I’m entirely too honest for my own good.  Like most characteristics this can be proven to be both a blessing and curse.  In the situation that I have put myself in, my honesty has proven to be nothing but a curse.  My honesty has made me make a mistake.  A vital mistake.  BUT a mistake nonetheless.  One that has been attached to my ankles like chains. 

I am talking in code, clearly, and I mean to.  I wish that I could explain what has happened and what I’ve said or done.  I can’t.  One can only help but avoid the repetition of such mistakes.

If you know me, you know what has happened.  If you do not, I hope that you can somewhat agree with what I’ve said.  Regardless, I just needed to rant :).


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


It's 1:50-ish in the morning and I'm wide awake.
Today has been quite a day. Hectic as can be, tiring as can be.
I'm laying here, wide awake, going through Pins.
I came across this one. This quote. Down below.

It's quite the quote. I adore it. I don't hate love though. I just cannot help but agree with the way this quote is written. Regardless of what kind of love we feel - it does get inside you and it can most definitely, without a doubt, rip you apart.
This quote hit home on a hectic ad tiring day, like today.
It's funny how the love we feel for someone or someones can affect our entire day(s) ...good or bad.